
Sixth Form Nepal Educational Trip October 2023

Nepal visit to Shri Bhagawati School
Generous sponsorship from Thomas Franks Catering has made it possible for 33 students and 4 staff members to receive kit bags as they embark on their educational journey to Nepal during the October Holidays.

These students will be actively engaged in teaching English at Shri Bhagawati School. St George’s student groups have visited this school in the past and have used the opportunity to raise funding to pay wages for extra teachers!
This year, the school community would like to raise money to help the school build a wall around the nursery to keep the children safe. Please consider donating to this cause and supporting this school and it’s work.
Donate now by Buying a Brick for Shri Bhagawati School in Nepal
Beyond these impactful activities, the group will immerse themselves in the rich cultural and religious tapestry of Nepal. They will delve into the teachings of Buddhism at Kopan Monastery and explore the historical heart of Kathmandu, Durbar Square, where they see the intricacies of Hindu temples and deepen their understanding of the local culture and traditions.
Please follow our adventure on the Sixth Form Instagram account - stgesixthform