
London Reunion 2024 Feature Image

St George's Hosts Alumnae Reunion at The Caledonian Club

24 May 2024
London Reunion 2024 Feature Image

St George's Hosts Lively Alumnae Reunion

The Caledonian Club in London was the setting for St George's annual alumnae reunion on the 16th May. Old Girls spanning many years reminisced about their school days while catching up on each other's lives since leaving.

Despite leaving school years apart, alumnae connected easily over their shared St George's experience. Whether reuniting with former classmates or meeting fellow Old Girls for the first time, conversations flowed easily.

The diverse group of accomplished alumnae demonstrated the well-rounded education provided by St George's. From lively anecdotes to career updates, the event gave alumnae a chance to revel in memories while also showcasing how far they've come.

As the event wrapped up, attendees had renewed connections or forged new friendships across the years. The alumnae are all looking ahead to the next opportunity to reconnect!

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