
The BAE Systems Road Show Lights Up St George's with Electrifying Theme

Friday, 13 March 2024, was a very eventful day for the Upper 4 year group. After registering in our classes at the beginning of Period 3, we all made our way to the Upper School Hall where we met up with the stars of the event (Sophie, Layla, and Tom). What started with a daring lightsaber fight soon turned into the recalling of physics textbooks and the talk of one of the most dangerous powers in the world: electricity. During this event, there were many demonstrations where we audience members (and at the end, even Mr Roache) could get involved and show our skills to the class. In these demonstrations, the volunteers could experience things such as floating hair, what a small flow of electricity really felt like (the sensation was described more than once as vibrative), and at the end – there was even a power bike challenge we got our teacher (who suddenly had a bad back) to accomplish.
We were all reminded about the flow of electrical current and even learned something new about batteries and cells. My favourite fact of the day was that planes and helicopters have 'shock absorbers' during landing to ensure the people inside are not electrocuted, which brings me to my final point: the sponsors. The sponsors of the event are the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, and BAE Systems, who are keen to get more young women into careers in STEM. All in all, it was a great event, and everyone had a great time.
Emmea (U4)