
Author Visit: Lucy Strange

I was so happy when I heard one of my favourite authors, Lucy Strange, was coming to visit our school. The first of her books that I read was ‘Our Castle by The Sea'. My class read this in Primary 6 in our reading groups. It was a thrilling and exciting story about a family in World War II. I enjoyed reading it so much that I started to read her other books too. I am currently reading my fifth Lucy Strange book.
The visit took place on the 1st of November. To start off, Lucy explained her career and how she became a writer. She told us that last summer she built a writing shed in her garden, where she works on her books peacefully. I really liked learning about how she became a successful writer and we got to ask her lots of questions.
After break, the Removes came back to take part in a gothic workshop with Lucy. She gave us her top tips on the ingredients you need for a brilliant story. We learnt how to set an eerie, mysterious and ghostly scene and how to entertain and surprise readers. At the end of the workshop, we started writing our own stories with Lucy’s help. It was a treat to receive her latest book personally signed. It was a fun morning and I learnt lots about creative writing.
Thank you, Ms. Elder, for setting this up and thank you, Lucy Strange, for visiting us!