
Author Visit: Pari Thomson

On Friday 16th of June, the author of Greenwild, Pari Thomson, came to visit the Primary 6 and Primary 5 girls to talk to us about her enthralling book.
When we came into the Lower School Hall, Pari Thomson had already arrived and had signed all the Primary 5 copies of Greenwild (the book she wrote). She began to talk to us all about her book, by saying how long it took her to write Greenwild and other interesting facts about Greenwild.

Greenwild is about a girl called Daisy who currently lives in London. Daisy travels all around the world with her mum who is a world-famous journalist. One afternoon Daisy finds herself running from her boarding school to Kew Gardens, and while hiding she finds a magical door which leads to another world...
Pari then read out certain chapters of the book and everyone was intrigued by those chapters. We definitely want to read the book now!
After she talked to us and read out parts of her book, we all got our own bits of paper to design our own magical world. We were instructed to draw (or write) the way we would get into our world and what our world would look like. Some of the ideas were: a world in the clouds, a world under the sea, climbing up a flower that transforms into a sort of elevator that will take you to your world and many more amazing mythical ideas! After everyone had designed a magical world the Primary 6 girls got their books or bookmarks signed.
Everyone really enjoyed Pari coming to St George’s. She was very nice and answered all our questions. Thank you Pari Thomson for coming to our school, we really enjoyed your visit.
Written by Bess and Tali (P6)