
JS Eco Day 2024 Feature Image

Eco Superheroes Assemble: Junior School Leads the way on Eco Day

21 May 2024
JS Eco Day 2024 Feature Image

The children enjoyed many different eco-themed activities for our Junior School Eco Day! Our Junior School eco committee were excited to be involved in the ideas and planning stage of our Eco Day of Action, showcasing pupil voice at its best!

Everyone made delicious and nutritious smoothies using their own leg power on a Smoothie Bike provided by our school caterers Thomas Franks. They also learned more about the world we live in, and the stories and people we need to protect, with our African Drumming workshop, led by the fantastic Chief Chebe.

Nursery and Primary 4 enjoyed a workshop with Gus from Earth Calling, who told them all about the nature that surrounds us right here at school! Primary 1 and 2 made Eco badges out of recycled books from our own library.

At their own request, Primary 3 did an enthusiastic litter pick around our campus to ensure that we're taking care of our little patch of earth. The Primary 5 students gave a fantastic gift that will last by planting some lettuce in our garden. Primary 4 and 5 children also did a scavenger hunt, searching for all of the little things connected with nature around our school.

In short, we had a fun-filled, action-packed day learning to be Eco superheroes!

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