
Primary 4 Evacuee Day
31 Mar 2023

As part of their current topic, our primary 4 students recently did some World War II evacuation re-enactments. They were invited to come to school in costumes dressed as war time evacuees. They were also encouraged to bring props like suitcases or small bundles of items carried in a pillowcase to immerse them in the learning experience.
During the day's activities, Mrs Nicol our specialist drama teacher, delivered a drama workshop activity bringing together learning that had already been covered in class. The following activities were done to encourage the girls to imagine everyday life during this time period as well as exploring the evacuee experience itself.
- 'Freeze Frames' of an air raid and saying goodbye at the train station
- An improvisation of a broadcast interview with the evacuees waiting at the train station waiting to say goodbye and another interview with the evacuees talking about their experiences living in the countryside with a new family.