Clara's Story

Class of 2024
Class of 2024
“My earliest memory of St George’s is joining nursery two weeks before the summer break and being really welcomed by the teachers. So I already felt at home when starting Primary 1! During my time at school, there have been many highlights, including my role as a Secretary General of the Model United Nations club where we discuss international relations. Staying on for Sixth Form meant I could take Highers and then Advanced Highers – the idea of two one-year courses was far more appealing than A-Levels. To help me gain my place to read History at either St Andrews or Cambridge University, St George’s conducted practice interviews and my mentor prepared me for the HAA (Cambridge Admissions Assessment). I’ve particularly enjoyed learning about the Soviet Union in Advanced Higher History this year – part of studying history is about relating to current perceptions, and it’s fascinating to see how modern-day Russia understands its past.”